Dear Warriors, The following is a dream the Lord Jesus Christ gave to one of the intercessors involved with changing Hollywood. (Scripture reference: "I speak to my prophets in visions and dreams.") Keep in mind that church leaders from around th world have identified Hollywood as having some of the strongest and most sophisticated witchcraft in the world. With the impact this area has across the Nation and around the world, is it any wonder why the cults would focus here? Unfortunately for most of us, our churches haven't trained or prepared us for the battle that is already among us. If you are tired of baby food and want the stuff Paul spoke of in the Bible, please request our tape series, "Building the Warrior" (visit Incredible insight as to the authority Christ died to give us. You no longer need to be ruled by fear! ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear DPM, Here is the dream I was telling you that I had about the Hollywood coastline. ------------------------ THE DREAM ----------------------- In my dream, I happened to be in a neighboring beach town away from my home. I was standing outdoors talking to you (representing "Pastors") on a cordless phone, outside of a building or apartment complex of a friend of mine. I saw that some event was getting underway in the big area/neighborhood park behind the building I was standing near. Responding to what I was seeing, I asked you over the phone, "What's this?" And you (meaning the "Pastors") said, "What?" And I said, "This event. There's some kind of event going on here -- that's just not right. Do you know about it? What is this?" I had cut you off in mid-conversation and you had no idea what I was seeing or talking about. I hung up saying, "I have to go." Something wasn't right. I also saw a group of war veterans across the street who had arrived early to be a part of it. But I knew something just wasn't right about the event. There was an anti-Christ spirit against God there. I moved inside the building/apartment complex and standing in a breezeway area I looked out over the back of the building into the park. Somehow I knew or had heard that there was going to be a witch coven there. (Now I have never seen a witch coven before, or ever come into contact with one to my knowledge.) So, I looked out over into the field to see where they were and what they looked like. There was a long row of folding chairs set in front facing the field where the crowd would be. I saw figures in dark clothing standing by the chairs with dark books and folders on the chairs. The figures seemed to be women in black/dark dresses or suits -- they were leaders or important members of the coven. (I just looked up the word, "coven" in the dictionary to check the spelling, and the definition it gave was, "an assembly of 13 witches." That's interesting, because that seems to be about the number of chairs I saw set up for the coven leaders.) When I saw these chairs, I was looking at them from above the ground. Far up in the sky I had a bird's-eye view for a moment, then I was back on the breezeway again. Looking onto the field and off to the side of the chairs facing the field was a section of folding chairs set up on the field to hold Wicca members. I realized these witches were very organized. As I looked at the group of folding chairs set up on the field, I saw that there were witches kneeling on the ground in between the rows of chairs. They each had a person to themselves who was lying on the ground in front of them whom they were stabbing with a knife. I wondered if the people lying on the ground were actually being stabbed or if they were a part of a ritual with the witches to bring something to pass in the spirit realm. I looked at the people being stabbed, and they were wrapped with flowing white robes/cloths. (Could this be the Spiritual attacks launched against the saints who go out unchecked on a regular basis?) I continued to focus on the closest witch to me, while being aware that the other witches were doing the same thing as the witch I was studying. The person being stabbed by the witch would kind of sit up, thrust their head and shoulders up as the knife was being stabbed into their chest by the witch, and then fall back down to the ground again. I watched the knifing and saw the blood stain on the white garment for a brief moment from a bird's-eye view. Then I was viewing it from back on the breezeway again, at a distance. Panicking, I realized something had to be done about it, but there was no Christian presence on the field. So, I began to do what I could and I started praying fervently in the Spirit or tongues. I then realized that the dark forces/organizations knew exactly what they were doing. Witch covens, sodomites, etc. were very organized people who used the platforms, opportunities and events available through the city to practice their cause. They had gone through all the right channels signing up for the event and going through the city's procedures to participate in the event, and were taking full advantage of it, capitalizing on what was made available to them and anyone else in the public world. "But, where are the Christians?" I wondered. There were no Christians on the field! None! There was no presence of the Church there! Where was the Church? Where was the Body of Christ? Why was there no organized Christian body on the field to combat what was happening there, to fight and take dominion, to take a stand and prevent what was happening to and in our world? I couldn't believe it! There was no Christian representation formed to be a presence there. As I sat taking this all in, I saw on a balcony in front of me two Christian men who were observing and talking about it. I then noticed on another balcony a woman with a stroller and another older woman who were also watching, shaking their heads and praying about what they were seeing. They were Christians too. And then I knew -- I saw -- I understood -- that the Church was in the church! The churches were in their churches. None of them came out to be a presence at this event, taking a stand for the Kingdom of God! (Who's been training the Church anyway?) "They didn't have anything to do with it," was their mentality. It was happening in the world, away from them. They weren't a part of it. Nor did it ever occur to them to use these platforms made available to them to advance, stand and hold the Kingdom of God. Nor did they have any gumption to go out and stop what was happening in the world. Why? Because it was outside of their churches! The message I received from this was.... "Because churches are staying in their churches, the kingdom of darkness is advancing." The churches need to assemble, rise up, unite and deploy a force -- a massive presence -- a ground troop -- to go out and do battle, hold ground and advance the Kingdom of God in the world. Their job is not in the churches. It is outside of the churches. A church is supposed to be where we assemble the forces, train them and send them out, not hiding place or prisoner of war camp! As I looked back at the dream, I thought about the veterans I had seen. I knew the veterans were old, seasoned veterans, like from WWII. Retired from duty, they had served their time. But because of their knowledge of these types of events, they automatically showed up at them, but they weren't there on active duty -- they weren't there to participate in the event. They were just there out of habit to resist the darkness. While they appeared to be WWII veterans, I remembered their garments were long golden colored robes with trimmings of gold and purple embroidery (God's Royalty!). I realized that they were intercessory veterans. They were seasoned warriors who had done their fighting and knew of these types of events. They just automatically showed, because they knew that the God they love needed intercessors to be where the action was! That's where they had been. But thier days of active duty -- fighting and battling -- were over. They had followed through on their marching orders, but the ongoing events of today were left up to the next generation -- the "new" intercessors -- to wage war. The problem in the dream was, there was no force of intercessors raised up by today's churches to be "present" on the field to war. (The key word here is "present" -- walking the ground we believe God has given us!) ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- DPM, I find it interesting that I had this dream Monday morning, September 23, and later that day learned that it occurred in the midst of the sixteen day event "World Festival of Sacred Music - Los Angeles." I had no prior knowledge that this festival existed or was presently going on. As quoted from the festival's web site: "the 2002 festival is the result of an outpouring of interest and enthusiasm from community partners and artists who participated in 1999 World Festival of Sacred Music - The Americas, initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama." There have been 55 musical events produced for this festival, as mentioned on their website at: One event is being held this Saturday, September 28, from 5 pm to Sundown, called "Honoring the Sea." Located at Santa Monica Beach -- just south of Ocean Park Blvd. Explanation of event follows: Mother of all life, the ocean is a souce of nourishment for the soul. ...performs their rhythmic, explosive, and ritualistic traditional music and dance on the sands of Santa Monica beach. ...Sounds of Santa Monica would not be complete wiothout a drum circle. ...Swing Brazil under the artistic direction of Vida Vierra brings the day to an auspicious end as dancers and drummers, flowers and prayers to Yemanja, the Brazilian Goddess of the Sea. ...prepare to dance in honor of our deep reverence for the earth's ecology... -signed- An available servant of God ----------------------------------------------------------- Thank God for schools where saints can learn to flow in the gifts of God! (NOTE: This Saturday's Dalai Lama event is on the border of Santa Monica and Venice, where D.P.M. has encountered most of the demonic principality manifestations. Isn't that curious? And right in the middle of the "new Hollywood!") QUESTION: Do you think the retired vets revealed in this vision should continue to do all the fighting until they are overwhelmed and eventually die from exhaustion, so the rest of the body can sit in their safety bunkers or, in worst case, prisoner of war camps so commonly called churches, and write books about needless casualties of war? Then again, do you think we should continue to motivate saints who do not have the revelation or anointing to go into this type of battle? Perhaps we need to shut down the current revelation of "doing" church, and start over with the basics, just like the day of Penticost! Tarry here until you receive power from on high.... GET THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE FULLNESS THEREOF, AND DO NOT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING ELSE! NO MORE ENDLESS CHURCH PROGRAMS WEARING OUT THE SAINTS WITH BUSY-NESS INSTEAD OF THE ANOINTING! MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER OR INTERCESSION.... HELLO! ANYBODY LISTENING? ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear saints, Jesus said, "you cannot put 'New' wine (the next move of God) into 'Old' wine skins" (the last generation). They will not like the 'way that you do it'! However, remember that the OLD way/wine tastes better. However, it is not the "new" move of God. It is too late to back down now. We are already in a spiritual battle for souls and territories. Just look all around you, your schools, media, government, cities, etc. Unfortunately, we were not prepared for this level of war or to win this battle by the previous "old revelation." Denial has never been a good teacher. God is raising up a greater move of His Spirit. He is sending in His prophets to impart directly to the masses His power and revelation to win the daily battles of our lives! This Saturday night: 1450 Ocean Ave., corner of Ocean and Broadway, at the Recreation Center. 7 pm until 9 pm. While the cults attempt to hold this territory and continue to lift up and worhsip their demonic gods that rule over the "new" Hollywood, we will be doing something quite unique. We will be in the 'actual' area where the billionnaires are, who control the media, government, businesses, etc. We will be in the area where the cults would like to maintain control. Why? Because by controlling this area, they can control your home town, no matter where you are throughout the Nation. What we will be doing is simply coming together with other prophets and intercessors to lift up the name of Jesus in high praise right in the very area where these cults are envoking these demonic principalities (Goddess of the sea, etc.). Scripture quote: "God inhabits the praises of His saints." In the presence of God, the wicked melts or flees. (Where? Simple, to another area where the saints will not lift up the Name of Jesus, publicly!) Scripture quote: "Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith BY MY WORKS" (or action)! Joshua and Caleb had to "enter in" to the very land they wanted to possess! Don't say you want to take Hollywood, unless you are willing to move there and possess the land or else rally behind and support those of us who are daring to believe God and possess this expensive territory. Only by our presence and with loving partners can we continue to hold this strategic territory. We have hit and broken up the darkness over this territory throughout this last summer, but it is not yet ours. Why? Not yet enough saints in the area and the ones here are mostly babies at best. Why? No level of spiritual authority in the leadership raising them up! Question: Then why won't they allow prophets in to impart and train them? Most are afraid of things they do not yet understnad, or are too spiritually proud in their intellectual doctrine to actually ask someone in with greater revelation or anointing than they themselves have. (Some leaders have seen our prophetic move, with accurate prophecies to them regarding their wives wanting to leave them and their problems with drinking, but still they stand back -- even while their church gets driven out of the territory. If that isn't pride, I don't know what is.) We need a sustained spiritual presence in the territory that the world (not the body of Christ) recognizes as the "new" Hollywood! Our sustained, every weekend summer hits into Venice Beach, the "Stronghold" over Hollywood have broken up the spirit over Venice. The Venice church is not only prospering but it is growing as well. How? It's called prophetic action. Why else do you think three principalities have moved into Malibu? Scripture quote: "I then saw that there was no longer a place found in heaven for the devil." Please visit our website: Allow several minutes for all the pictures to load. Like I said, it was a long summer for those of us who were working. Bless you.... ---------------------------------------------- Please visit this website for more information: If you do not receive our featured television or radio program in your hometown, please contact our ministry and request free Videos and CDs.