On Saturday, 9/28/02, a ceremony called "Honoring the Sea" was performed on the beach of Santa Monica, to worship Yemanja, the Brazilian Goddess of the Sea. Is it mere coincidence that the ports along America's West Coast were closed afterward, costing the US $1 Billion a day? Or is the worship of other gods by witches causing our Nation to be cursed? As reported by National Public Radio KPCC 89.3 on 10/1 & 10/2, 2002: 24 ports from San Diego to Alaska had closed. Los Angeles/Long Beach alone had 72 ships anchored out at sea, with 32 more due in the next couple days, that could not enter the ports. Affect on the US economy is one billion dollars per day, which is more than the war with Iraq. The closing of these ports affects the entire world economy. Truckloads of produce and beef at the docks are rotting. This effect will start showing up at your local stores. California Governor Gray Davis put out an appeal. Taft Hartly act being requested by senators. ----------------------------------------------------- On Saturday, well over 1,500 people went to Santa Monica beach with a purpose. To evoke the water gods/spirits. Most specifically, a sea goddess called Yemanja, which originated in Nigeria and was exported to Brazil and now has been entering almost completely undetected into our Nation. (Please visit http://www.MissionHollywood.org for details. Allow several minutes for pictures to load.) Does this sound too fantastic for the Western mindset? There are at least three books out that very directly link things like this together (please see below). ----------------------------------------------------- Here are some responses we received to our newsletter pleading with Christians to please come and help us pray to prevent what will now affect not only the US economy, but also the world economy. The responses are as follows. ----------------------------------------------------- Prophecy from the Lord given by D.P.M., "What is going to change Hollywood is a new revelation. I am sending in prophets to bring revelation to the Body of Christ." If the prophets and the revelation are received, we will prosper. ----------------------------------------------------- Pastor Pat Bennie, of Venice Foursquare Church, while in a conversation with a former missionary from New Guinea who was working on his doctorate at Fuller Seminary said, "Churches in the United States do not comprehend the spiritual warfare they face all the time." ----------------------------------------------------- A Hollywood prayer leader wrote in response to vision we wrote about, which depicted witches dressed in black attire, "Wanted to let you know -- in case you didn't know, hopefully you do -- that I have been informed that in Hollywood there are big celebrities and such that have these demonic orgies where they actually worship demons in black capes and have orgies! "There is a movie called EYES WIDE SHUT that depicts this and it's based on truth. "I have a friend who witnessed these orgies personally and saw big stars involved. "Please keep this as a point of warfare for your ministry." ----------------------------------------------------- A World Vision leader who is an apostolic prophet over several large churches and cities in Africa wrote, "Remember, I told you the greatest manifestation of evil in Santa Monica/Venice are Marine or Water spirits. I will mobilize intercession/warfare here in Africa but please for those of you on site there, I'd like to send some prophetic revelation of some actions I received that some of you prophetic intercessors should take concerning this satanic festival holding this weekend. "Meditate & pray these scriptures into the waters of Santa Monica & Venice beach: Nahum 2:6-13; Is 27:1; Ps 18:14-15; Ez 29:1-16.; Rev 5. Proclaim these scriptures over Dalai Lama: Is 47, Is 44:25. "If possible, get these scriptures typed & prophetically dropped into the waters. Also during the satanic festival, intercessors should be there warring against the witchcraft & water spirits. Yemoja (Yemanja) is the name of the water goddess. it originated from Nigeria & exported to Brazil. We will support you in the warfare here. You are secured in the hollow of His hands by the token of the blood covenant." ----------------------------------------------------- A second apostolic prophet who is pastor of an 8,000 member church with branch churches in Africa, was specifically sent in by God to assist us along this coastal area, by bringing in revelation to leadership in the Body of Christ. We asked him if this Wicca/Dalai Lama cultural event could be the cause of this multi-billiondollar catastrophe? He responded, "Absolutely. We have seen this type of thing often occur with the witch doctors in Africa." ----------------------------------------------------- And yet another apostolic prophet over several churches in Africa flew into L.A., as instructed by the Lord, two days before this event. Immediately he was sent to D.P.M. He said "D.P.M. Is the key in this territory." He went on to say, "This is my first time in California, and God spoke to me saying that the strongman over Hollywood is in this Venice/Santa Monica area. What you are dealing with are water spirits". He is now in Washington, DC, in key meetings with senators regarding Hollywood. (If you would like to request this incredible teaching and video tape series please email us at info@aprophetsreward.com) ----------------------------------------------------- Why would so many of these African leaders write and say such things? Is it because these are the very spiritual problems that have caused such famine in Africa these past decades? Is it that the Lord is trying to WAKE UP the American church out of its doctrinal spiritual pride to receive the prophets and to avert these disasters before it is too late? Africans are very familiar with witchcraft. But the "Modern day" American Church is almost completely blind to this plague. How else do you think witchcraft invaded our schools, television, films and every other level of media and government? ----------------------------------------------------- Pastor D.P.M.: "There were 55 of these 'cultural' events laid out by the Dalai Lama. I am not aware of every ruling spirit throughout all of L.A., As that would be too much for any one man. And I don't know how many people God has moving in the particular realm of revelation or warfare He has called me to, but I am sure they are out there. Perhaps they are presently operating undercover, just as I had been for five years while plowing one territory until I had gained the amount of spiritual authority necessary in that territory. Logic dictates that if the event held in Santa Monica (one of the 55 events of which I am aware, having been battling this prince for the past two years) was exactly where it is located, then how many more of these 55 events were placed throughout Los Angeles to evoke and strengthen other strongholds?? Are there churches aware of and battling these principalities in their territory? Are the churches doing battle out in the world? Or are the churches staying in their building, as the dreams depicted them doing? (Please refer to or request the last two email sent out of the prophetic dream different intercessors had -- email info@aprophetsreward.com.) Another person, who was involved with the Argentina revivals, was given specific prayer points by the Lord all over Los Angles and the surrounding areas. After connecting these points, he was amazed at how many intersected at Ocean Avenue and Wilshire Blvd. here in Santa Monica, CA where an Asherah pole had been erected in the high place along the coast. ----------------------------------------------------- "Asherah" is the godess of fertility who also apears as misteress of the sea. 2 Chronicles 33:2-6 "He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, following the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites. He rebuilt the high places his father Hezekiah had demolished; he also errected altars to the Baals and made Asherah poles. He bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshiped them [worship of the creation instead of the creator who is blessed for ever].... He sacrificed his son in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced sorcery, divination, and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking Him to anger." (Sounds similar to some of the occult practices of today, dosn't it?) (Interesting note: BayWatch, a TV program that infected the entire world, was produced right in this territory until our ministry opposed the sexual sprirt over this territory that influenced that program.) 2 Chronicles 17:6 "His heart was devoted to the ways of the LORD; futhermore, he removed the high places and the Asherah poles from Judah." ----------------------------------------------------- Other points intersected along the coastline as well. Isn't it interesting that these points intersected right at the gateway into Hollywood, near the SGI world Buddha center here along this wealthy costal area that influences Hollywood, which in turn influences the entire world? We are awaiting a map depicting where each of these Dalai Lama cultural events occurred, to see if the targets the Lord gave have anything to do with what the witchcraft meetings are doing throughout L.A. If anyone is interested in receiving a copy of this map, contact us at: info@aprophetsreward.com. Basically, as far as we can tell, these 55 events went completely unchecked by the "modern" Church. We are aware of men who attempted to warn their church leadership, but (good thing for the devil, bad thing for God's kingdom) there were so many levels of accountability to go through that the leaders of these churches were never informed in time to pray about it. Maybe that's why God told me he cannot use a large religious organization on the cutting edge of what He is doing. Why? Too many board members. Hold on... don't throw rocks at this prophet. It's the word of the Lord. Maybe we should instead consider what God is saying....yes? Seriously folks, why aren't God's people trained up to go out into the world to confront, overcome, conquer and occupy until He comes?? Isn't that what the Book says?? How come the cults have figured that one out? Interesting, eh?" ----------------------------------------------------- The following three books include many other such events that occurred, which were followed by catastrophes in the past. * "God's Final Warning to America" by John McTernan * "Israel: the Blessing or the Curse" by John McTernan and Bill Koenig * "Enough is Enough" by Dick Scabrough The first two books can be found at http://www.branchofdavid.org. Since there are hundreds of examples of these types of occurrences throughout these books, we just took a few earthquake examples to give you an idea of what has been happening. For a more complete understanding please get the books. Brief excerpts from "God's Final Warning to America"... Earthquakes The full impact of God's warning-judgments on America can be seen when you realize that since October 1989, eight major earthquakes have hit California and one in Washington. These earthquakes have all been in conjunction with abortion or homosexual-related events: "He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: He toucheth the hills, and they smoke" (Ps. 104:32). The nine follow: 1. June 28, 1992: Landers quake -- Gay Pride Day, followed by Supreme Court decision not to overturn Roe v. Wade (third greatest earthquake 20th century to hit mainland USA). 2. October 17, 1989: Loma Prieta quake -- Two days after huge pro-abortion march in San Francisco (tied as fifth greatest earthquake 20th century). 3. October 16, 1999: Hector Mine quake -- Two days after California governor declared he wanted the state to lead America in homosexual domestic partnerships, and two weeks after the this legislation was passed (tied as sixth greatest last century). 4. April 25, 1992: Petrolia quake -- Height of attack against the national Operation Rescue event in Buffalo, New York (tied as sixth greatest earthquake last century). 5. January 17, 1994: Northridge quake -- Day after Sanctity of Life Sunday and five days before the twenty-first anniversary of Roe v. Wade (eighth greatest earthquake). 6. June 28, 1992: Big Bear quake -- Gay Pride Day and Supreme Court decision not to overturn Roe v. Wade. 7. April 23, 1992: Joshua Tree quake -- Supreme Court abortion case hearing and attack against Operation Rescue in Buffalo, New York. 8. September 12, 1994: Next to last day of Cairo conference. The United States, through Vice President Al Gore, tried to push for universal abortion rights throughout world (tied in magnitude with number 6). 9. February 28, 2001: Seattle quake, Washington -- Seattle held a Mardi Gras event to coincide with the one in New Orleans -- rioting, fighting, etc., during this event. Literally, at the very end of the Mardi Gras, the earthquake occurred. www.aprophetsreward.com