Greetings and a praise report from the Media Center of the World!
To all of you who prayed and supported us during this latest mission, thank you. We actually brought a "family values" atmosphere into a normally very dark film market.
What on earth are we talking about? The American Film Market (AFM) held each year in Santa Monica, CA. The results of this market always affect the spirit that goes out through the entire world.
This is the largest film market in the world, as 70 countries from around the world purchase films at this market and the rest of the world will be touched for good or evil by its outcome.
There were some Christians who worked at the film market with whom we spoke. They were unaware of our "Air Raid" campaign and "Mission Hollywood" target, AFM. They reported that this was the first film market they and their colleagues were not dreading to attend. Usually, the pornography and filth is overwhelming at this market, as well as the sexual conduct of "wannabe" actresses throwing themselves at the industry people.
Because of you who helped us at, this is the first time they didn't feel like they needed to take a shower, a bath and another shower just to feel clean after this market. They said the most popular topic, for the first time in history, was "Family Values." This was the goal we had set out to accomplish -- create and atmosphere of "family values" over this market. And we all did it together! You see, by affecting the atmosphere over this market, we have affected the spirit that will go out into the world.
Special thanks to World Vision and the prayer support they were able to gather, but especially to the people who came in from across the nation and around the world to actually walk the grounds and attend the "Prophetic Assault Air Raids" during this film market. (Please see below.) Remember, Joshua and Caleb had to actually go in, face the spiritual giants, and possess or occupy the land, not just pray for it to be destroyed. Thank you, ground troops!
Unfortunately, of the thousands of professing Christians from the Los Angeles area who are within striking distance, only a small handful actually helped.
Why did others from outside the region need to come in to help? The same as Afghanistan. Just like the Afghanistani were unable to liberate themselves, neither has this media center known as Hollywood. Due to the intensity of the battle, many of the local churches are under the influence of the spiritual powers over this Santa Monica/Venice/Hollywood region. Some Churches border on cults with severe control issues as well as sexual sin.
Major ministry leaders from Africa said, "In all of Africa and every nation around the world where we have traveled to help change cities for the Lord, we have never seen the level of witchcraft and sexual depravity that we saw in Venice, Santa Monica and Hollywood." It is going to take an outside liberating force to conquer this witchcraft. is focused on bringing in the level of revelation and strategies of the Lord into the churches in this region as well as across the land.
Consider this for a moment. Can you change a region without changing the people? Can you change the people without changing the leaders they follow? Can you change the leaders if they are deaf, not having ears to hear or eyes to see what the Spirit is actually saying?
Has the current revelation or heart of the body of Christ been able to rule and reign over this media capital? In other words, if the light that they are walking in is great enough to change this region, then why has the enemy prospered so well? The definition of insanity is to keep doing things the same way, to keep following the same procedures and teachers of these procedures and expect different results.
Why do these leaders privately spend so much time being afraid of spiritual confrontation and conquering, but publicly convince you to rally behind them as though they will lead you anywhere but in circles into their own private church world instead of going into all the world?
Ten thousand believers prayed for Howard Stern to be removed from Prime Time. One Christian dared to go into all the world. He became president of the Broadcasting Company, made one phone call and -- end of problem. Occupy businesses, entertainment or government positions and do something with your life other than sitting and feasting on yet another escapism theory fattening up for the day of the slaughter -- oops -- I mean rapture.
Why have so many believers quit and given up hope? Could they have been following the wrong spirit? The correct attitude is to seek out those with greater revelations and victories and sit under their revelations so we can partake of the anointing on their lives. By supporting these cutting edge leaders who have been anointed by God, we will keep them alive so they can continue to raise up others like themselves to conquer the promises of God and occupy until He comes.
DPM, along with the coalition of ministries under the banner of, is getting nothing but incredible results.
Why? Cutting edge revelation led, called and anointed by the Lord Jesus Christ. World leaders in the body of Christ have said to us, "The Lord's hand is so incredibly upon this ministry and the work you are doing, now we need to pray that the rest of the body will embrace Mission Hollywood and that they would have eyes to see what the Lord is doing through
It is God's heart to bless all of His creation. However, ahead there is a battle to be fought and won in order to walk in the level of the blessings God has intended. God always reveals to His prophets FIRST, and if we receive the word and revelations of God's prophets, we will prosper according to the Bible we say we believe and follow and consult for correct doctrinal procedures, correct?
Jesus says, 'why do you keep stoning the very ones I send to you to answer your prayers?'. Perhaps if our religious pride didn't get in the way, we would receive. Unfortunately, what slows down the progression of the Kingdom of God isn't God or His timing, but rather the stubbornness and ignorance of men. Unfortunately, all do not hear from God as they would have us believe. Some of them have risen into places of authority and they do not have eyes to see nor do they want to, as they are satisfied with the doctrines of men. God, please forgive us and touch our stubborn hearts.
We are determined to bring this victorious spirit, and the level of revelation necessary to actually win without casualties, to the body of Christ regardless of the control and fear that has gripped the heart of many leaders and a "spirit of religion" which has prospered to a far greater extent than most realize. Remember, what rules over you has not been discerned by you. If it was exposed to you, it would no longer be able to hide from you and you would be able to discern it and conquer it (for those who have eyes to see).
Has the seed, Jesus death, raised up that mighty spiritual army yet? If it had, then why has the enemy prospered? Don't take my word for it, just turn on the TV and look at your children. Religion and teaching of religion has NO power over the devil.