Inter Office Memo to other churches in LA. To open their eyes and rally support to run this important mission whose outcome would affect the rest of the world. Note: How many local churches helped us during this film market?

Answer: Only One.

No wonder Hollywood is going unchecked as it continues to infect the entire planet.

We did however change the atmosphere over the film market and ushered in our sought after goal of 'family values'. Who helped, churches and prophets from outside LA and around the world! Please request our 'free' Air Raid over the American Film Market CD.

This was an exciting meeting as cult members began to curse our meeting. Please see information at the end of this newsletter.

American Film Market dates: Feb 20-27

Film makers, actors/actresses and film people from Hollywood and around the world will be in Santa Monica today preparing for the festival which begins on the 20th day of the second month of the second year, according to your guest speaker last Wednesday.

Please invite intercessors to enter into this territory during the time all these influential people are here:


The Spirit Filled Church in Santa Monica - Saturday night meetings located at 1450 Ocean Ave., corner of Broadway and Ocean in Santa Monica

If you have any questions regarding meetings, please call 818-994-4007

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FEBRUARY 20-27 -- American Film Market comes to Santa Monica. This is the largest film market in the world. Theater chain buyers from around the world and across the nation will converge in Santa Monica during this festival. The type of films that sell into theater chains around the world from this film market will also set the trend for the type that will be made in the years to come.

This is a very important time to bring the intercessors into this region to pray over the people here and bring in an atmosphere of "Accountability" and family values. As we affect the atmosphere with the Love of God and resist the usual perversion and occult influence that is typically over this Film Festival, we will affect the rest of the world. The decisions that are made in our city during this week will affect the world for years into the future.

We are inviting undercover intercessors to come in and pray. We are not looking for self-righteous carnal Christians to come and picket, but rather Christians who know God and are anointed so that what they pray will come to pass. Please blend in and just believe God with us as our presence comes into this city, that the Love and presence of God will strengthen these men and women to promote healthy values. We repeat, if Christians think getting loud and obnoxious will do anything except turn people off, then they are truly deceived. Be polite and prayerful and trust God and together we will bring the Love of God to a dry and thirsty people.

FEBRUARY 23-24, 7 p.m. -- "AIR RAID" -- 1450 Ocean Ave., corner of Broadway and Ocean. As the American Film Market will be meeting exactly two blocks from our location, this is a strategic weekend and an important set of meetings as we usher in the presence of the Lord and gain "Air Superiority" over the wild party atmosphere that would usually occur during this important buying time. Other "AIR RAIDS" have resulted in bringing an atmosphere of "FAMILY" values into this Santa Monica region.

It is very important you attend ALL these meetings as we will be directly influencing the "SPIRIT" over the film market that decides what films the rest of the nation will be watching for years to come. Thousands of people around the nation are counting on all of us to usher in a "FAMILY" values atmosphere to help these theater buyers purchase edifying films for this years theater chains.

FEBRUARY 23, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. -- Conference at Venice Foursquare Church 1400 Riviera Drive in Venice, corner of Venice and Windward. Pastor Pat Benny


FEBRUARY 19, 12:00 noon -- Santa Monica and visiting pastors luncheon. Strategies will be discussed, including, bringing in 700 YWAM teams. Please feel free to join with us.

FEBRUARY 16, 7:00 p.m. -- "Prepare for Dominion" Air Superiority 102. While many have an abundance of stories of how this one and that one failed, we find that the only time those stories are worth listening is when we don't want to make the same mistakes. Come and learn levels of authority and dominion you didn't even believe were possible from those who have walked in tremendous victories. We firmly believe in receiving impartation from those who have actually changed something and lived to tell about it. If they survived and came out blessed, then perhaps these people have a revelation worth listening to.

FEBRUARY 9, 7:00 p.m. -- "AIR RAID" over Santa Monica - Concert - "Discerning and following the Spirit of Joshua and Caleb" featuring the "Prophetic Assault Worship Team" with Pastors/Prophets Clyde Rivers and DPM. These meetings are probably the most strategic and powerful meetings, using Prophetic Assault Worship, thus gaining "air superiority" as we prepare the atmosphere so the ground troops will be more effective this summer during the revivals God has planned. They have been responsible for completely changing the atmosphere over this region. Come and hear what the prophets are saying.

FEBRUARY 2, 7:00 p.m. -- "Creating a Conqueror" -- Why do they keep telling us "One Day" we will see these great miracles? Why are we not seeing the level of miracles recorded in the Bible? Jesus said, 'to those of us who really know Him, we would do greater miracles than in the Bible.' Tonight, in-depth revelations that actually brought forth incredible miracles in one of the most strategic media cities in the world! This is not a beginner's class, but is the meat you have been longing for - - - In Santa Monica, 1450 Ocean Ave., at the Rec. Center overlooking the famous Santa Monica Pier, on the corner of Broadway and Ocean Avenue.


You won't want to miss the CD series, "The Apostle Comes to Town." Neither the saints nor the demons were expecting what was about to happen as this mission was moved by God in the last half-hour and placed right in the backyard of the new world Buddha center recently built here in Santa Monica, the city known as the Spiritual "GATEWAY" to Hollywood.

This CD is a powerful insight as to the level of revelation needed to bring change into Hollywood California. These CDs are free to pastors and the sponsors and supporters of and to partners of

Consider this for a moment, if you will. If the current Light or Revelation of the existing churches were bright enough to bring change into this region, then why hasn't it yet? If the revelation were bright enough, then why have we seen an increase in witchcraft and sodomite agendas directed toward our children? What will change Hollywood is going to be a brighter light or revelation than the existing one, make no mistake.

Become a partner with and receive ALL the Prophetic Assault Worship CDs. Witness the changing of Hollywood, live and uncensored. Partner with us and experience for yourself as we bring change to Hollywood, one city at a time.

Many partners are reporting how these tremendously anointed CDs are bring breakthrough in Texas and other states across the nation. You won't want to miss a single CD.

In His Abiding Love, Grace, Honor and Obedience --
The Team
Mission Hollywood

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This month's excerpt form "The Prophecy Chronicles"

The Bible reveals that there are two types of men who wish to be leaders. The one type is he who leads God's people around in circles, always learning but never coming into the knowledge..., having their lives and those who follow them consumed in trivial pursuits, never conquering anything important for God as they are afraid of spiritual confrontation, appearing to others to have a form or "Appearance" of godliness but not walking in any demonstration of God's Holy Spirit. These are those, the Bible goes on to say, God is not pleased with; and if we follow them, we too will fall into their ditch or pit or lower revelation, if you will.

Then there are the type who do not get ahead of God, but rather were prepared by God with the anointing and wisdom to actually dethrone and change a region and a people. They actually rule and reign with Jesus from a spiritual dominion in the heavenlies over the natural realm. Jesus revealed these things in revelations and visions to John while he was on the isle of Patmos, and these are also those the prophet Daniel saw in a vision when he wrote, "Those who actually walk with and know God will do great exploits." Because they know that God is actually with them, they have the Spirit of Caleb and Joshua and can actually enter in, dethrone the ruling giants in the clouds or heavenlies, and take back their rightful spiritual thrones of dominion that the devils or gods other religions worship have been occupying for thousands of years, collect the spoils and change the region God called them to occupy until He comes.

Why do you think the WHOLE creation groans out for the SONS OF GOD to come forth? Once these revelations are uncovered into the general "church" revelation, this is when the next vision "A mighty spiritual army like has never been on the earth" will be fulfilled. That spiritual army does NOT, I repeat, does NOT exist as of today. But many are awakening out of religiousness unto the presence of a Loving and Living God.

Many people never see breakthrough. Perhaps they have been following the pied "religious" piper instead of the "trumpets" or prophets of God. Jesus said, 'you will know of what spirit a man is by the fruit he produces.' Can you discern a conquering, overcoming spirit, or have you been taught that strength and confidence in the Lord is pride?

Do not attempt this without the infilling of God's Holy Spirit and proper training by God! Leaders who can train and cover or protect are so important to the body of Christ in this hour.