To: "Gideon's Army"


First, let me thank every one of you who got involved and emailed FOX and FCC. Your emails have had a tremendous impact on the direction of the show, "Freaky Links." This is the first time you have had an impact on a show's direction while it is being written and produced. Thanks to the Lord for opening up the doors and preparing DPM as a window for the nation to look into the inner workings of Hollywood, Santa Monica and Venice, California.

To Date:


The job is far from finished. Freaky Links is still on schedule for airing and the episodes produced before the Blair Witch producers were removed are still in existence. The show is still pointing kids to the web site, however some of the web addresses like "," etc., have been removed, at least temporarily (thanks to your emails).

Folks, we realize this is only one TV show, however it is important to focus and set a precedence. Once we prove our point, it is easier to affect other shows, just like the attorney who sued Time Warner for the influence that violent video games had over kids' behavior.

The Lord has placed us in this Hollywood, Santa Monica/Venice area to conquer the cults and witchcraft covens and to bring in a "Christian Values" atmosphere of "Accountability." This is not a one-time quick fix, but rather a sustained battle.

We need your support to continue this magnitude of battle over the networks and studios who affect your cities around the world.

The past six months, our efforts have been out of our own personal resources and have taken a tremendous toll. Several talk shows have asked us to be a guest on their show and to share about both Freaky Links and what our ministry is doing in this territory. Some of these are paying our airfare, yet others have invited us, but at our expense.

We are currently looking for sponsors to help us raise funds to meet these television travel expenses as well as other critical deadlines. We would like to invite you to help us stay in this fight here over your television and film studios.

Will you partner with us to change the attitude over these "Key" territories where these shows are produced? Your donation of any amount is greatly needed. You can phone us at 818-994-4007 or send a letter/donation to our ministry.

1223 Wilshire Blvd. #270
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Several episodes of our premier television program, "A Prophet's Reward," are available, and we would be more than delighted to send you a copy if you ask. We bring understanding to the "Authority" that Christ has given the believer, and how to use it.

Again, thank you for your help thus far, and please:

  1. Phone the above phone numbers
  2. Pray, and as you're led, send a donation of any amount
  3. Forward this on to others who want to help us affect the industry.

Thank you so much,

In His Love,

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For a copy of the Official Appeal sent to Washington, please email us at: [email protected] and request the "Lieberman document."


The Appeal was sent to the following:

Vice President Al Gore
Senator Joe Lieberman
Senator John McCain
Senator Sam Brownback
Senator Robert Byrd

Copies (for immediate distribution) to...

The Media:
Headline News
Mr. Larry King
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Associated Press International
United Press International
National Public Radio
Editor, The Washington Post
Editor, The Washington Times
Editor, The Wall Street Journal
Editor, USA Today
Editor, The New York Times
Editor, Time Magazine
Editor, Newsweek Magazine
Editor, US News & World Report
Editor, The Los Angeles Times
Editor, The Chicago Tribune
Editor, Parents Magazine
Editor, Parenting Magazine
Craig Lamay, co-author, Abandoned in the Wasteland: Children, Television and the First Amendment D. Walsh, book author, Selling Out America's Children: How America Puts Profits Before Values - and What Parents Can Do

President Bill Clinton
Federal Communications Commission Chairman William Kennard
US Attorney General Janet Reno
California State Attorney General Bill Lockyer
Florida State Attorney General Bob Butterworth

Parents and Educational Groups:
National Education Association
National Parent Teacher Association
National Association for the Education of Young Children
National Alliance for Non-Violent Programming
National Institute on Media & the Family
Kaiser Family Foundation
Parents Television Council
Action for Children's Television
Center for Media Education
Center for Media & Public Affairs
Children Now
Coalition for Quality Children's Media
Families Against Violence Advocacy Network
Media Education Foundation
Mediascope, Inc.
TV Free America
Education Commission of the States

Medical & Psychological Associations:
American Medical Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Psychological Association
National Institute of Health
US Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher
T. Berry Brazelton, Children's Hospital, Boston
TraumaLink, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Media Leaders:
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Mr. Rob Reiner, California Children and Families Commission
Mr. Steven Spielberg
Mr. Bill Cosby
Mr. Tom Hanks
Ms. Oprah Winfrey
Ms. Rosie O'Donnell

