OCTOBER 16 2003
Whether the body of Christ has been prepared or not by the Church, we are out of time.
You cannot have horrible catastrophes when Sons of God have met Jesus in the clouds (Spirit) and are in authority, in position seated in the "gates" over the territories and cities God called us to rule in.
Catastrophes happen when there are no Gatekeepers in place. (Please see http://www.AProphetsreward.com/MissionHollywood.) The only way the demonic can increase is when the "Army of the south" (the demonic beings from below) is invited into our realm by men.
Because God gave MAN authority on this planet in the book of Genesis and God's word cannot be broken.
Hence the demonic needs to deceive men convincing them to agree to partake in events that will open up portals or the gates to hell, thus releasing the demonic into our cities.
The Dali Lama's sand mandala event opens and calls through a single portal 722 demonic deities which go over head in the clouds to help him spiritually control entire territories.
(This is why Santa Monica/Beverly Hills -- The-Media-Control-Center -- think the Dali Lama is "god.")
Please see www.AprophetsReward.com/MissionHollywood/ to see the event that opened up the door and evoked the Queen of Heaven. The results were all the ports along the west coast were closed costing the USA over 30 BILLION dollars!
These events are real, even if it doesn't fit into the Western religion's mindset of how the Word of God is interpreted. The Bible specifically talks about demonic beings, Ruling Principalities, the entire creation groaning for the Sons of God to be made manifest, and meeting Jesus in the clouds, and ruling and reigning over all the works of the devil. It also declares that "Gateways" of hell cannot prevail against the Church!
In other words, we have been given greater authority, but that authority is useless if we will not use it or are asleep while the demonic continue to open up gates to increase the demonic spirits being used to control the world.
The Bible also says that those of us who actually know the God of the Bible will do great exploits while the religious will continue to be deceived calling the prophets of God fools, turning their backs on the revelations sent to the religious by God to prosper the Church.
Hence things get worse which is what the Bible says, because of the ignorance and pride of man.
Now that doesn't mean we are to let things get worse. We are to try to wake people out from under the religious spirits that have captured God's spiritual army!
So many events have already been put into place and we, God's so called army or stopping force, have been lulled to sleep, convinced to simply allow the demonic to advance, thinking that if we stand up and take the Authority, over the devil, that Jesus died to give us, we are some how fighting the will of God.
God expects those of us who actually know Him to:
Also... ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD, the religious are called to:
(Note: TBN is already receiving letters from well meaning religious Christians who are believing in the Dali Lama. The deception is on, folks!)
There are several events worldwide that are designed to release tremendous demonic invasion in to the earth to further capture humanity, starting with the key cities listed below.
We cannot expect the Big Names in Christendom to lead the charge or do the work or even the pastors of large churches. This is not their revelation. They are only focused on new born baby Christians and this work must be done by those of us seasoned intercessors and gate keepers. Unfortunately many have remained baby Christians, and have not been trained by God or their church for this day.
The message of the previous generation was to place your hope to rapture or escape from these days and many of that generation are now "escaping" by preparing to retire or going home to be with the Lord.
Old wine skins, according to the Word of God, cannot receive the new wine or revelation of Jesus that is currently being poured out to this Church generation to raise that "Mighty Spiritual Army" that the Bible prophesies.
Those of us who will still be here will need to quickly learn how to survive in these days. As the book of Daniel pointed out, Knowledge would increase and many (in confusion) would run to and fro. It takes seasoned Vets to stay focused and on target!
This is a call for the watchmen over the cities and along the walls that govern the territories to supercede, by prophetic utterance and keep these "Gates of Hell" closed that several world wide groups "inspired" by the Dali Lama are attempting to open.
Rather than extensive teaching and revelation we have simply given the web sites and dates below to prophetically proclaim over our territories.
From the enemy's point of view... The demonic cannot advance without more demons coming into the territories.
First you must Seed the population with witchcraft programs and give these "dark secrets" to men and convince them to use this information to open up the Gates of Hell.
(Keep in mind, God gave humans authority on this planet; therefore the Gates cannot be opened without man inviting them open!)
Once men are deceived they will begin to work for the devil and "invite" these portals open and the (demonic) "angels" into this realm.
OK, even though the prophets attempted to warn the current church leadership, and even though they wouldn't receive the revelations needed to stop these witchcraft programs that have polluted the youth of our world. (We know it is possible to stop them as we have stopped several!) And because the Church leadership has fulfilled Bible prophecy by rejecting the prophets just like the Bible said they would do.
Our culture has now been seeded with witchcraft programs for years, kids across the nation have partaken, explored and learned these secrets and are releasing these spirits into the nation.
Witchcraft is the root -- sexual perversions are one of many fruits of witchcraft.
OK, now after years of witchcraft "programming" the next deception starting to be implanted into our society's mindset is the sodomite "Same-Sex" marriages.
This Sodomite network was established in Canada, which was another target the prophets attempted to alert the church leadership to TWO years ago but again, fulfilling Jesus own words; "why do you attack and stone the very prophets I AM sending you so you will prosper?"
The church leadership wouldn't receive the prophets. So it usually takes two years of programming a population to change the "SPIRIT" over that nation. Now in Canada, "same-sex marriages." Who are already coming into the US and creating law suits to tap off resources.
And now several Dali Lama events as well as other groups are ALL trying to open as many "Gates of Hell" to release the Army of the South.
We must begin to pray ON TARGET for SPECIFIC TARGETS NOW!
Please read below....
For details on dates to be praying these things closed please visit www.worldangelday.com.
(Please visit www.worldangelday.com for the other cities around the world and other specific prayer dates.)
(P.S. I know this isn't fun but neighbor is death, poverty, destruction or divorce and that is exactly what will increase against the church if these demonic beings are allowed to increase into the atmosphere over our territories!)
---- Begin Demonic Promo ----
Los Angeles, Calif. (September 21, 2003) -- On Saturday, October 4th, the World Angel Day Festival will come to Los Angeles. World Angel Day is an annual festival of prayer and celebration through various presentations, meditations, music and gratitude to strengthen the growing acceptance and awareness of Angels. The Festival will be held at Founders from 10:00 am to 6:00 p.m.
Founders Church
3281 West Sixth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Doors open 10:00am
Start Time 10:30am
End Time 6:00pm
Purpose of this event...
"...To invoke the help of the (demonic) 'Angels' to heal and awaken Humanity.
"...People have already registered from Germany, the Netherlands, England and the U.S which promises to make the day an International (demonic deception) Angelic Gathering!
"...inspire Humanity to seek building bridges to the (demonic) 'celestial' realms..."
Guests of honor at the LA event will include:
(NOTE: these ascended masters are demons who have ascended from the pits of hell into those who channel them. These events are designed to bring demons into those poor uninformed human host bodies. The demonic angels being called from hell need human vessels to inhabit in order to have authority on this planet! Note: this is how witches and others receive supernatural power! Reincarnation is only true from the demons point of view. It is not true for human beings. The Dali Lama is the 14th human being this demon has possessed, according to the Dali Lama and those around him!)
--------- A channeled demon says on their web page ----------
"I am Michael and with me is Gabriel and we stand with you now in a temple of light within your heart."
(NOTE: the only time I can think of when Angels acted independent of God or Jesus was when Lucifer led the rebellion. Hmm... He also came as an angel of light.)
We are also asking each one of you beloveds, to now to open and assist us in our world mission....
"We are journeying to assist all on the Earth but we are also guided to travel into the centre of Mother Earth (Hell) to assist her core essence to release the old....
"We have agreed to create a healing wheel for this healing of cities and we are in need of your help on specific dates to help anchor this angelic healing wheel into the Heart of Mother Earth (hell) through each of these cities.
"Over this period we are focusing our hearts on the following cities at the following times and ask you to assist us with this focus of love, These cities are Beijing (Sept. 21st), Rome (Sept. 23rd), Jerusalem (Sept. 25th), London (Sept. 28th), Singapore (Sept. 30th), Mexico City (Oct. 2nd), Los Angeles (Oct. 4th).
"World (demonic) Angel Activations are taking place on these days and the focus of the angels is the opening of an (demonic) angelic city of light in these cities...wheel and sing the (Dali Lama) mantra for the healing of each portal.
"We are asking that all who wish to assist us in this planetary... to support us with the grounding of this work through humanity's hearts and through Mother Earth.
"Within each of the cities are portals that hold...We are asking all to gather in these cities, or to etherically connect to these cities...
"This will enable more of humanity to enact and experience this (demonic) angelic presence on Earth and share these (demonic) angelic qualities with each other.
"Hold us in your hearts as we hold you. May all (demonic) angels and humanity meet as one in the heart of Mother Earth (Hell)." (Angels supposedly channeled were Archangel Michael and Gabriel.)
"For more information, please contact Einav Adir at [email protected], or call 310-234-4097, or visit the web site: www.worldangelday.com."
--- END of Demonic Promo ---
Hmm... The only time I am aware of angels acting independent of God was when Lucifer (light bearer) who comes as an angel of light, defied God and led the rebellion!
"As God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and the earth and the fullness there of, are Gods and as God gives this inheritance to the Sons Of God, we now take our GOD GIVEN AUTHORITY AND RIGHT AND SUPERCEDE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS BY THOSE DECEIVED BY THESE DEMONIC ANGLES OF LIGHT AND WE FORBID AND COMMAND THESE GATEWAYS INTO HELL BE SEALED AND REMAIN SEALED!"
In Jesus Name!
Please visit the web site www.worldangelday.com and be praying for each city and for a sealing of those gates as well!
Team Mission Hollywood
(Note: Heal Hollywood and Hollywood media will impart healing to the nations of the world!)
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