Let's talk about securing up our borders and Occupational presence in our cities.

During the "Canopy of Praise" that was held all across LA in over 12 locations our time at the Asherah pole in the high place in Santa Monica I was very specifically aware that this was an act of putting "daubed mortar" between the bricks (churches, territories) of LA. (Note: Some locations only had one person others up to four, pretty sad)

If you do not know what the Asherah pole is please study our website.

One of the keys is occupying the gateways with praise. Praise disrupts the communications between territorial ruling spirits. It effectively cuts off and severs the strong holds over territories. Especially the size of LA. These gateways or portals are the place where demonic beings enter in, through demonized men/women, in cults or homeless etc. These are also the areas where we can totally disrupt the demonic agreement of one accord. It is vitally important that the church occupy these gateways with powerful praise. This will help to bring unity into the body of Christ throughout LA. Currently the demonic principalities have greater one accord than the modern churches procedures.

To break it down: In this case we could call the wall the presence of the body of Christ in LA. The bricks would be the individual churches or men/women of God that God has given to rule over certain areas/cities. When we use "undaubed mortar" that is, untested revelation or relationships (in this case) the unity cannot stand when trouble hits the wall.

It is important that we build the wall with "tested mortar" i.e. tested relationships or revelations, if we want this wall to stand which will be necessary in order to take a city the size of LA. It is also important to have this resistance force in place to shield or protect from terrorism. (For more information on the authority of the Man-of-God in a city please contact our ministry! Very important revelation.)

Now I was very aware that this prophetic Prayer Canopy move was to be a unifying of the body or a connecting of the various gifting but also revelation of other gifting and their importance for the entire body to function as one instead of a dismembered body that can't get off the operating table (hospital mode that results when we as the church simply operate in a defensive mentality. The best defense is a stronger offensive. Let's see if we can offend the devil and drive him out of LA! Unless we confront, conquer and THEN occupy until Jesus comes nothing will change in the L.A. territory.

There was another time in the history of the USA when Paul Revere said "one if by land and two if by sea..." etc. That was when there was the threat of invading forces coming into our land to overthrow and occupy us. (Today, as the acceptable procedure of the modern church, having no authority in the spirit, instead, focusing the troops on escapism theology thereby allowing the spirits behind the witchcraft, sodomite agendas, and Hinduism / Buddhism to totally invade our culture by simply focusing on the media and Spiritual Hollywood. This is the tremendous mess that these teachers of rapture or run away and hide theology, have left for us to clean up for the next generation. A good church revelation leaves a good inheritance to the next generation)

Yes in Paul Reveres' day it was as important then as it is now that there was a quick response team to meet the daily challenges throughout the territory we are attempting to occupy, until Jesus comes. These valiant men/women were known as "the minute men". Why? Because they were able to respond to emergency situations within a minutes notice.


Please refer to and the October event that went completely under the churches radar. This event initiated financial disasters and relationship splits all because there was no quick response team.

This is one of at least THREE corporate things that will be necessary in order to spiritually change this Los Angles, Hollywood territory.

1) A quick response team (The Minute Men) able to meet spiritual challenges as they would occur over a territory or several territories if necessary.

Because of the 'complexity' of today's modern churches and power structures current mode of operation or doing church, it will be almost impossible to impart the understanding or revelation necessary to get to a leader in time to be effective. Then another monumental task to motivate that leader to actually instruct his church to 'run a mission. And unfortunately even if they did, the troops or sheep in most cases, are not even trained, equipped or anointed as what to do on the mission. Pretty sad army Sorry Lord (Forgive me for not trying harder.)

2) Bolstering up the current revelation of "key" churches throughout LA. And a Prayer Canopy over KEY gateways.

Keep in mind, very few leaders in the Body of Christ realize that they are 'required' or held responsible by God to dethrone the principality where their church is and hold dominion there, occupying until He comes. If they won't even do it in their own territory do you think they will actually get interested in learning what it takes to take down several principalities over Hollywood and rule and reign in their place. Many may speak of such things as it rallies financial support but are NOT actually executing missions or training teams how to do this. It is NOT part of there acceptable revelation, hence today's condition, witchcraft prospering like never before, deviate sexual life styles promoted and sacrificing babies to the god's behind all this. Sorry again Lord.

Since they DO NOT have a heart for war (like Joshua or Caleb) or the things necessary to see the entire territory change, they have not been given the strategies or revelations on how to change Hollywood. So do not expect to be lead into transforming Hollywood by those who are not anointed to do so.

Instead many only have a heart for their immediate church needs, so it will be important for those 'outside' troops (800 YWAM teams and "the Call" kids etc.) to be dispersed, into different 'key' church territories to assist in a 'sustained' and 'unified' presence in LA. Now there is currently no plan to keep these kids for more than a few days. CHANGING A TERRITORY TAKES A SUSTAINED PRESENCE not a one-time show!

If the revelation of taking a territory was in leaders then they would already be contacting churches throughout LA to find host homes so these missionaries to LA could have a sustained presence. This too will take some doing to get the leaders to listen! (Please see testimonies and video of last summers YWAM presence at the Venice foursquare church. Radical changes in that territory and within that body!) After several talks with YWAM headquarters, it is obvious that the kids coming this summer will also be used as "daubed mortar" to bring a greater "unification" among the bricks (churches/ministries and revelation) in Hollywood.

3) A systematic "uprooting" of ruling spirits. One territory at a time, and leaving an "occupying" presence until the local church will receive revelation and grow until it can hold it's own ground spiritually that is, from the ruling spirit reclaiming it seven times worse. (DO NOT attempt to go against spirits that the Lord has not trained or anointed you for, however partner with ministries where you are used to assist the leader in casting out demons and healings as this is boot camp for learning how to take down these demons big brothers. Then you only go up against larger spirits as you come into unity with those prophets God has anointed and called to systematically dethrone princes over the key support structures.

If we as the Body Of Christ do not drop our religiosity and get serious about occupying then we will continue to watch the devil close and drive churches out of key media territories that control the worlds public opinion until there are no churches left! What you do not think that all the witchcraft programming coming out of our territory doesn't recruit thousands into Wicca every time a program plays.

Haven't you heard how the Bible belt preachers are worried about the invasion of Wicca churches throughout Texas and every other state!

Are we living in a box? A church box?

We have plowed and driven out many Ruling Spirits over Santa Monica, yet without a revelation to raise up an inhabiting force these spirits are attempting to come back seven times stronger and have sought to keep Christians from occupying and have instead been driving out many churches from the area around the studios, Fox, MTV, MGM, SONY, etc. etc. etc.

In case you haven't noticed Hollywood has moved along the coast here.

Side Note:
We are sorry to see Another Church of Santa Monica be the second church to loose its territory next to MTV. The first to go was a Spirit filled deliverance church moving in the power of God. They were driven out first as they moved in the greatest anointing therefore the devil went after them first.

MTV has done more to program the youth of the world into their idea of acceptable behavior than any other single force on this planet. Don't you think that it would be God's idea to hold and occupy the ground and the spirit realm next to and over MTV?

Try as we might we could not rally enough support to keep their Christian bishop from selling their church to the Hindu faith. We could not raise the $50,000 and neither could this congregation of twenty. Now, thank some other god, we have a nice Hindu influence over the main programming center for all our children across the nation.

(Note: it was Christian tithe money that purchased the church for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you think that Bishops congregation knew he was giving that key land that influences our kids across the world to the enemy?)

Second was Another Church as they kind of believed in some of the gifts of the spirit but wouldn't allow them in their church meetings. God sent in the prophets over and over again, to build relationship, but since the prophets talked of taking down the ruling spirits against their church they couldn't receive this revelation, so they pushed away the very move and answer from God. Thus the ruling spirits over new Hollywood (in Santa Monica), the ones they would rather imagine are not real, drove them out as well.

Now there is nothing wrong with a church being driven out of a territory, if they have no revelation and are prideful they will fall. Problem is they take all kinds of potential warriors, prophets, and apostles in the making, and keep them captured in the prisoner of war camp church mentality. This leaves only a few actually anointed to maintain the front line position here in the new programming capitol of the world.

Ehahhhhaaa is it any wonder why the devil is occupying the media and the minds and hearts of America and our youth!!!!! God Please, Please forgive us!!

(MTV in Santa Monica CA has done more to shape the mindset of millions of youth across the nation than ALL the churches across the nation have ever been able to do!!!! Wake up!!!! It is only one SMALL territory that we are asking help with!)

We tried to bring in the "The Prophetic Assault Worship Team" to assist the pastor at this Other Church hold their God appointed territory long before their evection procedures began. Even after accurate prophetic words to the pastor and months of attempting to build relationship, we were still too far ahead of their revelation for them to receive the Prophets that God had sent to assist and be a blessing to them in their territory and to help avert what only God knew the devil was planning. But because of the pride of the leaders intellect and lack of revelation they did not open their doors for God to help.

Hmm... Do us pastors actually believe or actually even read the very bible we preach from or instead do we promote our denominations position on religious things (to the point of our own hurt or the Missions of God's being hurt), above the things of God's Spirit?

(Please refer to Venice Four Square Church for testimonies of how this 'new' technology of God actually changes the territory. It is actually not 'new' technology as it is all in the bible; it is just 'new' for the modern, educated church.)

So another church moving in limited revelation couldn't hold a territory that God and us wanted to assist them in holding. Men why are we so stubborn? God very specifically sent in your answer long before you were evicted.

Back to Mission Hollywood
No military in it's right mind would ever try to a territory with 28 million people all at once, especially with the current 'pride' of the leaders and the 'lack' of revelation not to mention the limited amount of intercessors and conquers currently on call.

Instead they would focus those intercessors, who actually have a heart to "change" Hollywood, on "do-able" missions where they can obtain results. Once a "mission" has been run and results that affect the entire world come in, (take last years American Film Market, in Santa Monica) we will create more interest, credibility and build support.

We would like at this time to thank that valiant intercessors God sent us from Africa, who tirelessly is leading an all night prayer meeting every Friday night at Venice Four Square Church. Yes!

The larger the army, the more occupying force we will have.

Now, taking casualties or adding more chapters to John Paul Jackson's "needless casualties of war" book is NOT Acceptable for TEAM MISSION HOLLYWOOD.

Our team has been up against stronger ruling spirits than any other ministry we know of and have NOT suffered any casualties. Why? Because we only go against those things the Lord has anointed us for. Because we are lead of the Spirit. Because we teach others to be lead of the Spirit. However we DO conquer territories.

Unfortunately many stubborn, yet well meaning, men have sought to be leaders. Even after our warnings, they have gotten their wife's mother killed or incurred unnecessary warfare against themselves or their followers. Why? By simply reading a book or watching a video and trying to copy it with out the anointing or leading of the Holy Spirit. This too is un-daubed mortar" or untested, by them, revelation.

Yet how can you judge or condemn them as they at least DO have a heart for God and Hollywood. Kind of like a bunch of privates breaking off from the wisdom of the seasoned warriors to do their own thing. Then again that's what gets seasoned warriors and all those who follow killed isn't it? Pretty sad when God calls a charge and the leaders have not prepared and are not equipped to lead, so the privates run off trying to fulfill the call of God and get themselves and others hurt.

Why do you think God gives us prophets? How about Wisdom? These are both gifts to the body of Christ from a loving father.

By massing power on 'KEY' prophetically picked targets of the Lord, we will not only obtain our objective but we will also build support for "Team Mission Hollywood". Keep in mind the principality over the most important areas will seek to stop us from massing power into their key media territory.

It is important to realize that many of the churches are split on the idea of taking down strong holds over our cities. Where it is important for them to be "over" or have many pastors submit to their revelation, it is not important for them to actually raise up warriors that can actually enter into the promised land, dethrone the giants, and reap the incredible blessings. I guess they just expect a few of us to sacrifice our lives fighting while they wait to then come in and try to claim the land? Question if we drive out the spirit and die, and then the spirit tries to occupy seven times stronger you think they will be any match?

Instead these will sound the trumpet for the church to retreat! or run away and hide in their church bunker.

The unfortunate reality is it will now take even more time for the Lord to reposition some in leadership and the current lack of revelation. Mean while slowing "Mission Hollywood". Therefore it will be necessary for even more teams like "Kim Clement" or Bob Cathers "Soaring Ministries" or "Clyde Rivers and The Prophetic Assault Worship Team" etc. to be trained and formed who can come in and actually assault the atmosphere and drive out ruling spirits, but also for teams to follow up on raising up the local inhabitants as to how to hold the ground once the Prophets and Apostles claim it!

Our thanks again to Don Upham and all those who participated in this first unified covering over greater Los Angles.