A Lion (Lying) Spirit Will Kill the Move of God!

1 Kings 13:1-33

1 Kings 13:1-33, DPM – When a princapality is unveiled or threatened by a prophet of God, often times those in the religious system under the control of this princapality, working through religious groups, will attack or set up for destruction the prophet that is exposing the god to whom they are listening. This is one of the reasons Hollywood and other parts of the world have not changed (yet!). Remember the Queen of Heaven works through the religious system!

1 Kings 13:1-33 – Remember, a lion eats him. Hmm... maybe he was seduced by a lion (lying) spirit....

Please note that the following writer, after being kicked out of several churches, has now gained a position on the Hollywood Transformation "Listening" Team – not by growing in spiritual discernment, but rather in the cunning of human systems – and has refined his assaults on the prophets.

He writes to the pastors to whom he has access; I consider the emergency DPM alert email so offensive that I don't want to contact DPM directly,

The first proceedure the Bible gives us is to go to your brother. The second is to go before many leaders. When he did this the last time, several leaders continued to pray for him, telling him he needs to quit attacking the prophet.


...but I just came across a Kim Clement prophecy on the main page of his website that I want to pass along to you. He says the South Central hailstorm was a sign from God that His word will come to pass. That's a lot different than it being a destructive force released by the Tibetan Buddhists, which the Church could have rebuked if they weren't asleep.

I realize these are very serious times and I don't want to get perfectionistic in a human sense, but I trust you can see the potential danger in that emergency email. It's not far fetched to picture groups of intercessors across America standing in faith with Team Mission Hollywood and rebuking Los Angeles weather that people in their human understanding think is "bad," especially immature female intercessors frightened by the prospect of being attacked by the "Malibu spirits of insanity."

I remember what a respected pastor in Los Angeles told me a year ago after examining the Mission Hollywood website – "It must become horribly discouraging when your focus is on something other than Jesus."

This person told several pastors that his mission in life was to "Take down DPM prophetic ministries." That was before they kicked him out of several churches, however now he has gained position on the Hollywood Transformation "Listening Team," who apparently cannot discern which spirit to which this man is "listening!"

BRIEF HISTORY – one of several accounts by this man "listening" to the wrong spirit ... and now putting his input into the Hollywood Transformation Team!

When an outreach team from Texas came to reach the lost in L.A., this man, deceived by the ruling prince, diverted them in the name of religion.

DPM told the outreach team from Texas, "You were scheduled to reach 30,000 people today, but now the enemy has diverted you and your entire team 8 blocks away from the 30,000 unsaved people, where you will go into a church building and perform for 3 already saved people!"

When DPM attempted to reveal to the team from Texas that this man was being used by the principality over the region to tap off God's objectives (like a matador diverts the bull), they responded thinking DPM was of a spirit of division.

RESULTS: DPM who was hosting this team brought in from Texas, did not have the team to minister to the 30,000 unsaved, and the team that followed this lying prophet ministered to only three people as was prophesied. The man that "listens" to the wrong spirit, and a seventy-five year-old married couple that has to open the church up for this man, will find the church empty!

1 Kings 13:1-33 – The prophet was killed because he listened to another who was seduced by a lion (lying) spirit.

We could go on and on with the deaths and number of blundered assaults, because of those of a religious spirit getting in the way of what God is doing through His prophets, but I believe we have made our point.

In the military, these would be known as "spies in your midst"! These spies are sent in to cause division and to cause us to lose the battle.

We must have discernment before we allow people to be placed in positions of leadership in order to keep these spies out – that is, if we want to win!

Team Mission Hollywood

Hollywood Transformation Listening Team Member Rebuked by Those across L.A.
Who Stand with the Accuracy of DPM Prophetic Ministries

For your information...

I consider it a great victory of prayer and of God that the rain and the hail fell and was contained in that location which the Lord had revealed to me the day before. It fell in an area where little damage would be done, and averting the more destructive intent of the rituals invoked by the mandala, which we believe would have brought loss of life and additional millions of dollars of destruction to the areas already ravaged by the fires. These fires began on the day that the mandala was completed. I fully agree with Kim Clement that this was a sign from God that His word will come to pass. The first gate opened in the mandala ritual was the East Gate, the Fire Gate, and it described a circle of fire on the mountains with loss of life. The second gate that was to have been opened 21 days later was the South Gate, the Water Gate, and it was against the destructive potential of that release which we were praying and instead saw that God confined that release to a limited area, where it did relatively little damage over the Los Angeles community of "Southgate" exactly in the location which God had revealed to me and several intercessors the day before. The News Services described this as a storm of "Biblical Proportions" and a "once-in-a-100-years" freak storm.

I will not even go into the other two destructions that were to be released and that I and many others believe were averted or diverted because of the actions, the prayers and the worship of a few faithful, faceless and nameless people, who took up their calling as priests to our God. These ran into the gap between the living and the dead and offered up incense (worship and prayer) and made atonement through the blood of Christ for the sins of the people, even after, as with Moses, God said, "Stand aside I am going to consume this people instantly" (Num 16:21ff). Nor, will I take the time to describe the desperate actions of the Tibetan Buddhists done in secret to try to re-empower what must have appeared to them as a failing ritual. I am not going to go into the other two destructions that had been prophesied by numerous reliable local prophets, because your level of unbelief may be too great, and I could just be wasting my time trying to communicate what you may be unwilling or too offended to believe.

I will tell you that the fourth destruction was to have involved the air and was to have occurred on December 24th. A 6-hour emergency prayer summit was held at my office on December 22nd with a pastor from another country, prophets, intercessors, spiritual mappers and leaders, to call on God and understand if we had done all that God had spoken to us to avert this destruction or whether we needed to carry out some other prophetic act in obedience to God. On December 24th, six Air France flights to Los Angeles were canceled due to terrorist threats along with additional security measures regarding Aero Mexico flights. Also, if you will check out the Los Angeles Times Tuesday, the 6th of January, you will find an article concerning the belief by the Federal Government that the release a "dirty bomb" was enough of a consideration that they needed special teams and equipment in Los Angeles and five other cities over the past two weeks. We received more specific information concerning suspected location and type of weapon from officials and intercessors on the East Coast a week-and-a-half before this article. Arab television and radio was warning Muslims to get out of Los Angeles, and New York and a Filipino group actually came to LA and moved a number of their relatives out of the city, based on reports they had heard from Muslims in the Philipines. All of this was described in prophetic words and dreams by a number of faceless, nameless local prophets and intercessors last June and before, and was directly associated with the actions of the Tibetan Buddhists by those prophets.

What I see, is the potential danger that if God's people ignore or interfere with God's prophets, do not stand up and start believing Him, that He will allow them to be "overpowered," "worn down," and "overcome" until they finally take possession of the Kingdom (Dan. 7:21-25). Or, even more disturbing, they will be killed "without pity" by angels with "bashing weapons," because they were not sighing and groaning over the city (Ezek. 8-9), or other leaders will be taken out by the sword of the Lord in order to scatter the sheep and refine a small remnant (Zech. 13:7ff).

Our focus is not on the demonic; it is on waking up the Church, taking possession of the Kingdom, and on enthroning the Lord in the places where every other god has been and is being enthroned by the world, while most of the Church sits inside the four walls and twiddles their thumbs with self-serving entertainments and false assurances of how great they are in the Kingdom of God. Only Joshua and Caleb, out of approximately three million people, believed God about taking possession of the promised land, and God did not let any of them except Joshua and Caleb enter in.

Instead of attacking one of God's prophets, why not use your writing skills to demand of the County Museum officials why they brought in a three-month-long religious witchcraft ritual onto County-owned facilities. The art critic of the Los Angeles Times, Christopher Knight, even understood that in his October 6, 2003 article. Even Supervisor Antonivich, when I spoke with him in June, said that though he was powerless to stop what the independent secular humanist board of the Museum was doing. And he asked, "Should not the Church in Los Angeles be able to stop this kind of thing from going on?" Apparently, not the Church who occupies the buildings, but a faceless and nameless portion of a Church that exists without walls or denominational designations was at least able to take spiritual authority over and bring to a halt the deadly assault which was carried out here. You may owe your very life to them and what they have accomplished over the past year. How many 911's or worse will it take for a believing Church to be raised up?

Maybe you should ask the Santa Monica Officials why their arts commission, at taxpayer expense, has been erecting religious idols and encouraging the practice of witchcraft on their beaches.

I am not interested, in what offends you; I am more interested in what offends Jesus, and how the people whom He purchased with His blood for God, and made to be a kingdom and priests to our God, will reign upon the earth (Rev 5:9-10).

I am interested how this kingdom and these priests will, through the power and authority of the Kingdom, open the eyes of those in darkness, bring them out of the darkness into the light, out of the dominion of Satan into the Kingdom of God, so that by repentance of their sins, they might have an inheritance among those who are being sanctified by faith in the Lord (Acts 26:18).

Do you think that a civilian population escapes death and injury by not fighting when they are being overrun by a foreign army? Do you think that there are not those who have been wounded by this Tibetan Buddhist attack, even though they have chosen not to fight, thinking they were safe under the covering of their chuches, which were too busy, too proud, too self confident, too uninformed or too frightened to join the fight on the front lines?

Will not a foreign army attempt to take out the perceived strongman or leader at the begining of a war? This Country tried last March to do exactly that before setting foot into Iraq. Why does it offend you when a prophet of God states that the perceived strongman in the spiritual community of Los Angeles was taken out by a spiritual missle at the beginning of the battle? Are we not told in Scripture that you cannot plunder the strongman's house unless you first bind the strongman? How do you believe that this happens in reality, or do you believe that there is any connection between the spiritual and what we call reality? I know you do believe, so why don't you use your belief to act more creatively for the kingdom, instead of allowing your annointing to be used by the enemy in taking offense, attempting to create division in the body of Christ and proposing "intervention" with a prophet? "For these are not drunken, as you suppose..." (Acts 2:15).
